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    Lena is three months!

    How cute are these two!? Lena has some seriously beautiful eyes to go right along with her big sister’s. These girls are going to be some heart breakers. And they have the cutest little personalities, love photographing these two! Happy…

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    Annie, Charlie and Jimmy

    LOVE these babies soo much, they are family!!! Meet my cousin Kelly and her hubby Matt’s adorable crew. The twins are almost 4 months old and Annie is almost two, so I don’t need to tell you that this house…

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    Reese and Jordan

    I had so much with these sweet girls and I love in home shoots. Reese loved showing off her room and jumping on mom and dad’s bed. And sweet little Jordan has changed so much since her newborn shoot. These…

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    Paxton 3 Months

    I was so excited to see this baby again! And I’m not sure how three months have passed since his newborn photos, but here he is! And he hasn’t lost any of his amazing hair. This baby could not be…

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    Eli and Lyla

    Lyla’s back and she brought her big brother! It was just over a month ago that we did this sweet girls newborn shoot. She slept right through and was a champ. Now just over a month old, its a totally…