
Armond Leo

Oh, where to start!  Anthony is my brother in law, my husband’s brother.  I met him when he was 15 and to know him is to love him, his humor is my favorite.  When living in New York, he met Nicole.  We loved Nicole (like, super loved her) the second we met her and they tied the knot a couple years ago.  These two are some of my favorite humans, I am excited every time I see their faces and the bond they have with my kids is pretty amazing.  Uncle Anthony and Aunt ‘Dole’ are super loved over here.  And that leads us to Armond!!!!!   Oh my gosh, we love him so.  And seeing Nicole and Anthony as parents is just what I expected, they are calm, so happy and appear to be naturals, oh and sleep deprived, but they wear it well.  Parenthood looks good on you two and we are so happy to have sweet baby Armie.  We are so excited to watch this little nugget grow.  We love you guys!!